Friday, May 3, 2019

Big Brother is Always Watching

After watching the Ted Talks, I'm scared. I thought that America was the land of the free, I thought that freedom meant the right to have a private life. I understand that some times privacy must be breeched for safety reasons however for regular citizens to be tracked everywhere they go. 

The Ted Talk regarding this issue was the most interesting to me. I've always noticed the white cameras but my parents always told me that the cameras were used to track your speed or catch people who run red lights. I never knew that they were really being used to track every American's whereabouts. 

The local and federal governments know where every American drives to and that seems like it is against our rights, it is an invasion of privacy. Most Americans are unaware of this, I was until this video. If the government is going to do this, they should inform citizens that they are being tracked and monitored. 

There are trackers everywhere: streets, cop cars, neighborhoods. The government knows your daily routine. If this doesn't alert you then think about the fact that each person you care about, friends, family, and loved ones, are being tracked to. Nothing in this country is private anymore, just remember that Big Brother is always watching..

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