Friday, May 3, 2019

Class Reflection

When I first signed up for this class, I was honestly dreading it. The word "law" scared me.

The last government class I took was my senior year of high school and it was an advanced placement class which I did not receive college credit for because I was so lost on the final exam that I drew a hand turkey on.  I was extremely intimidated walking into this class.

With that being said, I loved this class. Yes, it was at 7:50 AM and tough to get out of bed to go to the class but I learned so much. I loved learning about our country and about our world. This class has shown me how little I truly know about our court system and that has made me disappointed and sad.

I would get excited when I came back to my dorm and tell my friends about what I learned and, I'm not going to lie, it made me feel better when they didn't know about what I was telling them. However, this is also sad. I believe that every American should have to take a class similar to this. Americans should know how our court system works and should have to sit in an civil environment where they have to listen to other people's opinions about politics. It is the only way people will become tolerant of others' beliefs learn to understand and accept each other.

Thank you, Dr. Smith, for all you have taught us this semester. For opening my eyes to how much I have to learn about what is going on in the world. For helping me become more accepting to others' opinions. And for making the words "law," government," and "politics" become not so scary.

If I were to give people advice going into this class it would be to take advantage of it. Don't view the blog as a chore but rather an opportunity, because it is. It's an opportunity to express yourself and take time out of your week to look and reflect on what is going on in the world. 

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Class Reflection

When I first signed up for this class, I was honestly dreading it. The word "law" scared me. The last government class I took wa...