Friday, May 3, 2019

My Online Presence

My online footprint is something I've never thought about before. I've had social media since I was in 6th grade and set up an Instagram account behind my parents' backs on my iPod touch. I have it all: Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, VSCO, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, I even have a finsta profile that only my close friends follow. A finsta is a separate Instagram account where I post pictures that I wouldn't post on my real account but are funny or just update my friends on my life. I also have a personal website that I had to create for class, but I wouldn't really count that because I'm inactive on it. My followings range from a few hundred to a few thousand people, whether or not all of them see or pay attention to my posts is something I don't care to know. 

If someone were to visit any of my social media sites they would find out the basics about me: who my friends are, where I go to school, my age, where I'm from, and if they were to visit my Twitter then they would get a glimpse of my type of humor. 

Each of my social media account have my email and a few have my phone number, like Facebook and Instagram. The email addresses are mandatory to create an account and I gave some sites my phone number to receive notifications on my phone. 

Depending on how you use social media it can make you feel one of two ways: lonely or together. If you are only following influencers and celebrities or people living extravegant lives then yes, it can make you feel alone. It makes you feel like everyone is living a life that's better than you, more successful than you, and have more friends than you.

However, if you're like me, then you follow you're friends, family, and relatable people. You follow people who aren't pros at photoshop and filters. You follow people who post their flaws, who post inspiring and uplifting quotes and pictures. You follow people who's posts make you happy and not people who you feel like you need to compare yourself to. When I get on social media I feel closer to people, so many of the people I care about are hours away from me and when I see them happy or having fun or just enjoying a drink on social media then it makes me genuinely happy. 

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