Thursday, March 21, 2019

One Value of Free Expression

There are eight values that Americans hold to be true, each important and right in its own way. Personally, I think that participation in self-government is the most important of the eight.

Essentially, this value means not restricting American citizens and press to speak about election candidates, policies, and the government as a whole. We want citizens to talk openly about all these things because we want an informed electorate in every American election and we promote Americans with differing opinions to debate their reasonings with one another.

Participation in self-government also means protecting dissent, protecting minority views and allowing citizens to freely criticize the government. Without the protection of dissent, there would be much fewer political views than there are in today's America.

American citizens participating in self-government will also check on governmental power. The American citizens are allowed to speak freely on any government subject, including the government's abuse of power. Through participating in self-government, American citizens can make changes at the ballot box if they feel moved as to do so.

While each of the eight values play a crucial role in how America functions today, participation in self-government is arguably the most important value. Without this, there would be no opposing sides, there would be no change to the government, and the American citizens would have no way to check the government. Participation in self government is the most vital value of free expression.

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