Friday, March 15, 2019

Learning about the Supreme Court

While every American knows the Supreme Court exists, I have never actually thought about what it would be like to serve as a Justice of the Supreme Court.

When I think of a Supreme Court Justice I imagine an older, intimidating man. This is partly because I still had the same perception of justices as I did when I first began learning about the Supreme Court in fourth grade. After watching the video in class, I realized that I my fourth grade perception wasn't accurate.

Each Supreme Court Justice is very different, even if they are supporting the same party. They each have different backgrounds and appearances. I believe this is helpful when resolving court cases because each Justice will have a different opinion and different point of view of the case.

I learned a lot that I didn't know before from this video like the Justices read the cases individually and form their own opinions before meeting together and I learned about how the Justices interact with one another.

I also learned just how much I don't know about the way our judicial system works. This video brought to my attention how little I read or learn about our judicial system and how it works. I don't remember going into detail about our Judicial system, even in my Advanced Placement classes, in high school. This is saddening to me because I believe an important part of being a good American citizen is to be well informed and I feel as if I am not as informed as I should be.

Due to this realization, I will be making more of an effort to learn about the Supreme Court and our Judicial system by watching more videos like the one shown in class and making more of an effort to give attention to current Supreme Court cases.

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