Friday, March 8, 2019

Using Twitter as a News Source

As I was sitting talking to my mom, we began talking about current events. When I told her how I get my news from Twitter, she began to lecture me saying that's not "real news."

When you think of Twitter, your first few thoughts are usually memes, gossip, and celebrity drama. While Twitter certainly has a fair share of all of this, users can also check Twitter for important current events and news.

Younger generations check their social media more than older generations check the news. In today's world, if companies don't have social media accounts they can become irrelevent to millennials. Rather than checking our news and social media, millennials can now follow news outlets' social media accounts so important stories, breaking news, and world affairs are just a tap away.

Twitter has a "moments" feature that makes it easy to find news, sports news, and what is trending on the internet each day. The app also shows trending hashtags that is customized for each account. Users can follow these hashtags so any tweets with that hashtag will appear on their newsfeed.

Like any social media platform, there are some accounts that can't be trusted for valid news. However, it is up to the reader to determine if the source is creditable or not. Twitter makes it easy to keep up with accounts users follow by offering a feature which allows notifications to appear on a users phone each time an account tweets something. Turning this feature on for news outlet accounts is just another way users can use Twitter as a reliable news source.

Eventually at a certain age, it will be time to get off of Twitter and pay for a subscription to a reliable news outlet. However, as a college student who doesn't enjoy spending her free time reading the news, following news outlets on Twitter allows me to be informed about events occurring in the world, all in 250 characters or less.

To find out more, click here!

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